Leaving a job can be surprisingly difficult to do well.

Hello Partners and Partners to be,

Very few people are able to do it effectively without damaging relationships or reputation. No surprise since we often decide to quit due to feelings of disillusionment, frustration, disappointment or resentment.

Such negative feelings can result in saying things we later regret, or behaving in ways that are less than professional (ever been tempted to finally tell your boss what you REALLY think of them?). Even if this kind of misbehaviour doesn’t cause us problems in our new job, it can still leave us feeling disappointed with ourselves or with a lack of closure.

Read on to find out how to flex your Partner muscles when under stress and maintain integrity when necessary…

When working with clients in the process of leaving their current positions, my invitation to them is “do everything possible to maintain the highest level of integrity during this entire process; keep a positive, collaborative attitude and respect regardless of the circumstances.”

Once a person makes a final decision to leave, it can be surprisingly difficult to maintain these standards, especially as the transition period can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

As tempting as it might be to broadcast your colleagues’ dirty laundry to the entire office or drop laxatives in their coffees, there are huge benefits to maintaining a collaborative attitude until the very last day and beyond.

Some of those benefits include:

  1. Strengthening your partner muscles under duress, and inviting others to do the same
  2. Maintaining your integrity, which creates a long-term satisfaction within yourself
  3. Leaving with your best possible reputation intact.

We may never know the pay off of maintaining our integrity in challenging transitions, though as the world grows smaller and connections through technology and beyond grow bigger, there is a much higher probability that your reputation will follow you beyond your last position!

If you’re considering or currently in a job transition, I encourage you to find a qualified professional to support you in this process. Having a neutral party be your sounding board can be particularly useful if you have concerns or frustrations you want to communicate effectively.

Here is a creative approach one man used to quit his job. I hear that he now hires himself out as a singing telegram!

How to Quit a Job || STEVE HARVEY

Happy partnering!
