In my classes, I talk about how energy is contagious, for better or for worse, and how important positive energy is to turning around a negative situation.

The good news, we all have the power to shift our own energy and project positive energy towards others. Even if we don’t feel it authentically in the moment, just pretending will eventually trigger the real emotion! 

My favourite emotion is JOY which just so happens to have one of the highest vibrational energies, even coming ahead of love! 

Not only does joy give that “happy vibe feel”, if you believe in the law of attraction it brings more positive things to us. Plus it’s a long term powerful investment in our mental, physical and emotional health.

Here are 10 tricks for shifting effortlessly into joy…

1. Dance to your favourite music

2. Call up someone who makes you laugh / make someone else laugh

3. Create your favourite art work

4. Do your favourite sport

5. Read your favourite poetry / book

6. Listen to your favourite music

7. Visit a museum

8. Watch a video that inspires you

9. Sit in the sunshine

10. Hang out with your favourite furry / scaly friend (hamster / cat / dog / iguana).

So the next time you’re feeling a little down, demotivated or you need a pick-me-up, choose something on this list and challenge yourself to see how quickly you can shift your mood!

Check out this video if you want to see what I’ll probably be doing 30 years from now (except I’ll be wearing green of course!) 

Happy Partnering, 