You have to admit it! Us humans are mostly creatures of habit.

We feel safe in the knowledge that the bakery opens at 6am, that the local honey stand at the market is there every Tuesday, that Friday nights means pj’s, some good food and Netflix!
The thing is, for many Habit = Security.
So what can drive us to seek change?
Or does change only happen when we are forced to change?

Whether it’s your idea or your boss’s, we don’t always embrace change with a gracious smile and arms wide open. Hesitation can often creep in and self-doubt may also make an appearance!
Yet, on the upside, positive change can mean growth!

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

Albert Einstein

Maybe there is a kinder, gentler way to accommodate and prepare for change rather than tiptoeing in with trepidation? How about viewing the prospect of change with curiosity and wonder –acknowledging the element of fear may be present and moving forward regardless!
Remove the roadblocks (that we often self-manifest) and hit the gas, after all, you never know unless you give it a go!

With so much change happening in the world out of our control (especially since the Pandemic), it’s no wonder we may be seeking security! Being thrust into new working conditions, losing jobs and changing many things about the way we live, was a bigger mouthful than we’d have chosen to chew. Still, most of us learned something from the experience and changes. They say growth comes from challenge, along with a major confidence boost when we pop out the other end!
So, what changes have you planned for 2025?

The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, on building the new!


How about setting yourself a ‘change quest’ every quarter and checking in to see how it’s going? 
Some ideas might include…

  • Want to improve your health while supporting the environment? Walk/bike to work a couple of times a week
  • Want to be a kinder person? Start by giving yourself  more empathy (Watch this snippet on Feelings and Needs for some extra support – start video after 1 minute, as this was recorded during the lockdown)
  • Want to give back to your community? Volunteer at a hotline, or animal shelter.

Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and cosy end of 2024!

Happy Partnering,