Dear Partners,
Many of us humans strive for perfection. This can be a dangerous quest!
In the following research, Curran and Hill analysed data from 41,641 American, Canadian and British college students from 164 samples who completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, a test for generational changes in perfectionism, from the late 1980s to 2016.
They measured three types of perfectionism:
- self-oriented, or an irrational desire to be perfect
- socially prescribed, or perceiving excessive expectations from others
- other-oriented, or placing unrealistic standards on others
Read Curran and Hill’s study:
The evidence suggests that our human health suffers greatly when we strive to be perfect.
As the summer solstice delivers her long days full of light, many will be planning holidays and trips, thinking about time off work and maybe even ‘summer bodies’, with the pressure to be perfect when sporting beach wear.
With the use of social media exploding, comparison leaves many of us feeling far from perfect.
When it comes to the career ladder, many of us are convinced that being perfect may get us that pay rise or new job we are dreaming of.
The reality is we will rarely reach perfection and when we do it’s fleeting! In addition, the pressure of perfection carries a cost to ourselves and those around us.
What if it’s ok to just be average sometimes?
What if I were to tell you that we can achieve better results, get more of what we desire, with less wear and tear on ourselves and our relationships without over-striving?
Ironically, this can result in a decrease in self-sabotage, an increase in self-acceptance, peace and joy!
Sounds too good to be true, right?
Here’s how it works…
Stepping into Partner, instead of Predator or Prey is a life-changing practise that promises and delivers a multitude of positively powerful payoffs!
When we embrace the Partner mindset a new world opens to us!
Emotional mastery conquers emotional triggers, which in turn creates harmony within us and brings peace in place of perfection!
The human quest for perfection, may have instigated Predator or Prey behaviours from you in the past.
Watch this video if you would like to discover more about the Partner way of life!
There is light at the end of the tunnel! Inner peace can prevail once you switch into Partner mode. I invite you step into the Partner mindset this summer and see the magic unfold!
Watch The Ego Tango playlist here for Partner stories!
By actively practising Partner, your health will directly benefit, inner peace will set in and carry over to others. This can include your boss, your colleagues, your spouse, and especially your children (and even your pets!).
Grab a copy of The Ego Tango today and allow yourself the gift that will keep on giving.
You can buy your copy here!
The payback will be more than perfection could ever provide!